(Dubrovnik, IUC, 27 – 31 May, 2013)

Course directors:

Rada Borić, Centre for Women’s Studies, Zagreb, Croatia, rada.boric@zenstud.hr
Renata Jambrešić Kirin, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Zagreb, Croatia,renata@ief.hr
Jasmina Lukić, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, lukicj@ceu.hu
Durre S. Ahmed, Centre for the Study of Gender and Culture, Lahore, Pakistan, durresahmed@gmail.com

In a world of radical political, social and economic changes, it is becoming ever more urgent to explore structural relationships of power and knowledge from feminist and transnational point of view. Women have long been excluded from academic and public life which is why they are particularly sensitive to the questions related to production of knowledge and power, the strategies of empowerment and ways of setting the public agenda. Women’s knowledge is an important resource not only for their discursive enunciations but also as the asset of mobilization against (in)visible power in neoliberal capitalist societies, its discrepancies and discriminations, injustices, seclusions, dislocations and the discreditations of dissenting, rebellious voices. Feminists from the European margin are moved by the urge to act and re-think their peripheral position as productive, flexible and transgressive epistemic zone that can stimulate new humanistic concepts and values. This is why they pose basic questions: Are the experimental quality of knowledge and emancipatory knowledge the only two ways of challenging deep-rooted power inequities within and outside the academe? Are the critiques of postcolonial reason and the critiques of capitalist production of center, (semi)peripheries and margins still helpful to understand the ways in which academic expertise and intellectual authority operate in “liquid societies”? Is the participatory action research decisive for the feminist knowledge production as opposed to expert centers, both of which involve speaking for others and claiming to be more objective, or we need new pedagogy from below (G. C. Spivak).

The main points of discussion will be as follows:

  • how to (re)activate critical feminist epistemology strengthening links between pedagogy, artistic practices and activism
  • how to claim and popularize feminist intellectual heritage which promote pluralism, alterity and emancipation
  • how to combine women’s study of local/regional phenomena with the study of transnational processes
  • how to critically assess the differential development of women’s/gender studies in the university systems of Central and Eastern Europe as well as other world regions
  • how to strategically use socialist, (neo)Marxist, radical and new materialist insights in order to counter deeply embedded capitalist systems of hierarchy, uneven distribution and exchange
    how to disenchant the terms ‘partnership’, ‘collaboration’, ‘consultation’ and ‘participation’ misused in the discourse of cross-sectoral partnerships between government, academia, civil society and the private sector (V. Schubert)
  • how to struggle against the agnotism or agnotologic capitalism, „a capitalism systemically based on the production and maintenance of ignorance“ (M. Betancourt)
  • how to encourage decolonial agency in the context of global coloniality and “vanished second world” (M. Tlostanova)


IUC courses are conducted at the postgraduate level. All interested postgraduate students may apply to participate, although the course targets young scholars and postgraduate students with a defined interest in women’s studies, transnational studies, philosophy, sociology, postcolonialism, or anthropology. The course will be limited to 25 participants (15 students) in order to provide sufficient space for discussion, seminar work and student presentations. Participants must seek funding from their own institutions for the costs of travel, lodging and meals. Limited financial support is available for participants from Central and Eastern Europe (please see http://www.iuc.hr/hesp-osi.php). The IUC requires a payment of 40 EUR for the course fee. The working language of the course is English.

Application Procedure:

Please submit a proposal consisting of a short narrative describing your interest in the topic and your C.V. Place all current contact information at the top of your C.V. Send submissions by e-mail to international@zenstud.hr. Use the subject: IUC Dubrovnik 2013. The proposal deadline is February 1st, 2013.