Kada smo 2019 odabirale temu feminističkog seminara “Beyond the Ruins of Capitalism”, inspirirane knjigom Anne L. Tsing, nismo mogle predvidjeti da će ova tema biti relevantnija no ikad. Unatoč sumornim tonovima, vjerujemo da tektonski poremećaji i ugroze koji potresaju neoliberalne države posvuda u svijetu, pružaju novi impuls za feminističko djelovanje i daju snagu za mišljenje radikalne promjene.

Programsku knjižicu seminara (24-28 May, 2021) možete naći ovdje.


When in 2019 we chose the topic of our next feminist course “Beyond the Ruins of Capitalism”, following the book by Anna L. Tsing (2015), we could not predict that this topic would be more relevant than ever. Despite its grey overtones, we do believe that the tectonic upheavals and the threat of emergency that has shaken up neoliberal states in all parts of the world, will give a new impetus to feminist agency and give strength to the thinking of radical change.

The Book of abstracts and Course programme (24-28 May, 2021) can be find here.